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Country: Philippines
Exact location: TBD
Out of the main populated area but within a 30-minute drive from modern conveniences such as a hospital.
The ocean is within a 20-minute walk which is good for swimming laps and snorkeling. There are also places to hike nearby.
Three pyramids for wellness.
Just like Goldilocks and her porridge, one is too hot (a sauna), one is too cold (an ice bath or perhaps a cryotherapy chamber), and one is just right (a meditation room).
Each pyramid will be self-sufficient energy-wise, perhaps covered in solar panels. The meditation pyramid will have a sound system playing healing vibrations.
I chose pyramids because I watched a documentary once about how they were beneficial to the human body in some way. I don’t know if I fully believe it, but it couldn’t hurt. Here’s a short documentary on it:
We will grow all our favorite fruits and vegetables and a herb garden while keeping as close to the existing ecosystem as possible.
The aim is to have a food forest. While waiting for that to flourish we can use other methods, such as garden beds.
We will also use alternative methods to grow fruits and vegetables that we really want but don’t grow well in the natural area.
Chickens for eggs and meat.
Goats for dairy products and meat.
A couple of dogs to help around the homestead, but mainly family pets.
Possibly bees for honey, beeswax, and pollination of the grounds.
The main house is eco-friendly and minimalist while still having all the modern comforts. It includes:
There will also be at least one guest chalet with a small kitchen and private bathroom. Good for two adults.
A covered and matted outdoor training area with a pull-up bar, weighted vest, arm and leg weights, kettlebells, a punching bag, a wooden dummy, weaponry, and sparring equipment.
A Japanese garden which includes a lotus pond with fish and turtles. There is a mini waterfall and a stream, a bamboo forest, and a meditation pebble path.
This is a self-funded project, which means I will not be taking on debt or investors.
The majority of money to build the Goldilocks Pyramids Homestead will come from SF Initiatives.
Once it is built, the next goal will be for the Goldilocks Pyramids Homestead to be not only self-sufficient but profitable. We will rent out the chalets, let people use the pyramids for a fee, and sell extra produce and other home-made items such as natural cleaning products, beeswax candles, pickled vegetables, etc.
If you would like to support the building of the Goldilocks Pyramids Homestead, please consider purchasing an SF Initiative product or service:
Donations are also accepted:
The end goal is for the Goldilocks Pyramids Homestead to be 100% self-sustainable.
It will be completely off-grid using sustainable energy sources, will produce enough food for the family, and will generate enough income to cover maintenance.
Although this is primarily a personal dream, once setup I envision it will contribute back to the community.
Excess food will be donated and local jobs may be created.
I'm sure we will think of plenty of ways to enrich the local community once things get going.
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